In reference to the light bulb, Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

I consider my career path to success being 10,000 steps, or even more if that's what it takes, to achieve my goals. 

Get to Know me Professionally

Myers Briggs Results: ENFJ-T (Protagonist)

  • Extroverted (with how I interact in my environment)

  • Intuitive (when it comes to my mental energy)

  • Feeling (when it comes to how I make decisions and cope with emotions)

  • Judging (when it comes to my approach to work, planning and decision-making)

  • Turbulent (when it comes to how confident I feel with showing my skills and abilities)

True Colors Results: Blue
- Need to feel unique
- Must be true to themselves
- Looks for symbolism
- Values close relationships
- Encourages expression
- Desires quality time with loved ones
- Needs opportunities to be creative
- Nurtures people, plants and animals
- Looks beyond the surface
- Adaptable
- Drawn to nurturing careers
- Involved in causes

Strengths Finder Results:
1) Brainstormer: Whenever a new idea comes into your mind, you literally lit up like a light bulb. You are a clear source of creative juices in any team.
2) Optimist:  If there is someone believing that the glass is half-full instead of half-empty - then it's you. In a team environment, you are generous with praise, grateful for people and circumstances, and quick to find positive in every situation, which is key in motivating people and mitigating conflicts.
3) Believer:  Some people call you the person of purpose. Correspondingly, you choose people you spend time with and companies you work for with respect to the alignment to these values. It makes you very trustworthy and reliable in any environment. 
4) Coach: Your objective is to develop people's potential. Contrary to what others might think, you believe that every person has the potential for development. You are one of those leaders that really care about the development of team members. 
5) Deliverer: Your name and reputation depend on you being responsible for your commitments. That's why people love to have you in their team.

For my Resume, please click here